Malware Archives – Page 3 of 10 – Mainstream Managed Services

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First ‘Jackpotting’ Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs

First ‘Jackpotting’ Attacks Hit U.S. ATMs ATM “jackpotting” — a sophisticated crime in which thieves install malicious software and/or hardware at ATMs that forces the machines to spit out huge volumes of cash on demand — has long been a threat for banks in Europe and...

New MaMi macOS malware is hijacking DNS settings

New MaMi macOS malware is hijacking DNS settings A new macOS malware called MaMi can hijack DNS settings, install root certificates, and otherwise compromise macOS machines. Its attack vector is currently unknown. Not all antivirus engines can detect MaMi yet, so keep...

Found: New Android malware with never-before-seen spying capabilities

Found: New Android malware with never-before-seen spying capabilities Last year, researchers found what at the time was quite possibly the world’s most sophisticated espionage app ever written for the Android mobile operating system. Now, in a discovery that...
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