Apple Archives – Mainstream Managed Services

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Here’s What Apple Knows About You (Spoiler: Not Much)

Here’s What Apple Knows About You (Spoiler: Not Much) Apple likes to say that it cares more about your privacy than other tech giants like Facebook, Google, and Amazon, but does that claim actually hold up? It turns out the answer is a pretty resounding yes.How...

Apple is moving on from Intel because Intel isn’t moving anywhere

Apple is moving on from Intel because Intel isn’t moving anywhere A report from Bloomberg this week has made public something that should already have been apparent to tech industry observers: Apple is planning to replace Intel processors in Mac computers with its own...

How Pizza Night Can Cost More in Data Than Dollars

How Pizza Night Can Cost More in Data Than Dollars The smartphones, Facebook accounts and other technology products deeply embedded in modern life help people get more things done every day. They also gather more information about us than we often realize. But...
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