Equifax Operates Another Credit Bureau, and You Can’t Freeze Your Report Online Remember all that trouble you went through to freeze your credit report after the massive and unforgivable Equifax hack? Turns out it was all for nothing, as security writer Brian...
CEO who led Equifax during data breach gets huge raise Richard Smith, the former Equifax chief executive who led the company during its massive breach and botched response, is getting a nearly $1 million raise for his work last year, the company said Monday. Smith,...
Hackers accessed more personal data from Equifax than previously disclosed Last year, credit rating agency Equifax announced that hackers had stolen personal information for 143 million US consumers, including names, Social Security numbers, birthdates, addresses,...
Equifax is facing a towering pile of class action law suits Remember how deposed Equifax CEO Rick Smith got trotted around Capitol Hill to have his wrist metaphorically slapped by several congressional committees following what security journalist Brian Krebs so...
Deloitte’s Unlawful Silence of Cyber Rampage Which Imperiled Client Information After the significant Equifax breach, which affected some 143 million people in 25 countries, they determined that their systems were breached back in July, but they only owned up to the...