[12-28-16] The WGAN Morning News What is “augmented reality” and how much do you actually know about it, its benefits, and the downsides. This booming tech can make or break your security and privacy. Also, shared with Ken and Matt what the new HomeKit is all...
[12-21-16] The WGAN Morning News Joined Ken and Matt to discuss more of what “Doxxing” is all about, and how this can work against you. With the holidays just a few days away, I have also shared some tips on how to stay safe while enjoying with your family. Get...
[12-14-16] The WGAN Morning News Craig joins Ken and Matt on The WGAN Morning News every Wednesday. Talked about how deep the hacking problem is, especially when hackers are hopping on another computer’s address and to not reveal themselves. Also discussed the...
The Security of Biometrics – iOS 11 and the new 911 mode [As Heard on WTAG] Click to View Today’s Show Notes — Transcript WTAG_2017-08-22_The-Security-of-Biometrics Below is a rush transcript of this segment, it might contain errors. Airing date:...